

GUIDE Tier II is what comes AFTER faculty and staff have completed the GUIDE (Tier I) requirement. The Tier II workshops, facilitated by faculty and staff, address the overarching theme of critically examining and interrogating how systems of power and oppression affect participants, their daily experiences, and interactions with others, as well as how they impact the SMC community and beyond. 

GUIDE Tier II Workshops are continuing thematic workshops and should expand on principles from GUIDE Tier I. Additionally, the lesson plan and organization for GUIDE Tier II workshops can take many forms including open discussion, lectures, interactive activities, and so forth.


Who needs to participate in Tier II workshops?

All full-time faculty and staff are required to complete at least 4.5 hours every three years. There are three ways to be in compliance: (1) Attend GUIDE Tier II workshops, (2) develop and facilitate a Tier II workshop, or (3) petition participation in off-campus diversity workshops. 


When will GUIDE Tier II workshops be offered?

GUIDE Tier II workshops can be offered throughout the year. 


GUIDE Tier II Learning Goals

  1. Practicing skills for reflecting on one’s identity as it relates to their race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, and etc.
  2.  Examining and understanding the historical legacy and current impact of white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, capitalism, colonialism, and/or ableism in our institutions.
  3. Applying one’s critical consciousness to changes in systems, structures, policies, and interactions between faculty, staff, and administration at SMC and beyond. 
  4. Creating a space for affinity groups to engage in self-reflection or examination of issues of power, privilege, and systems of oppression within the context of the groups. At the core of these specific goals, an ongoing process for engaging in reflexivity in paramount for continued cultural competency growth.


GUIDE Tier II Facilitator Information

If you would like to facilitate a GUIDE Tier II Workshop, please fill out our GUIDE Tier II Facilitator Application. Facilitators receive a stipend. 

After a workshop has been hosted, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) requests that facilitators fill out the GUIDE Tier II Workshop Assessment. 

Facilitators/recipients must also be available to present their outcomes in person to the CCIE, if requested.

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) will help the facilitator(s) in publicity, planning, etc. where necessary or requested.